College D'Enseignement General et Professionnel de Chicoutimi
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The Aircraft Pilotingprogram at Cégep de Chicoutimi lasts three years and includes approximately 2,450 hours of general and specialized training.
During the second year, student pilots are asked to choose from among the three specialization fields offered. The number of places available is determined each year in each of the specialization fields based on the human and physical resources available to the CQFA. The teachers of each specialization field participate in the selection of candidates according to the skills demonstrated in the theoretical courses and in the flight courses, taking into account the specific requirements of each specialty.
During the third year of his course, the student who chooses the Helicopter Piloting specialization field (280.A5) receives training on turboprop helicopters. This training is done with skid-equipped aircraft and float-equipped aircraft.